Jun 23, 2009

the moving van that takes you to the ghost town (1973)

walking the empty streets
to empty town
i am interested in the back
pockets of empty men
headed for the breakfast counter
some have morning papers
or red man chewing tobacco
or the day's cigarettes
the waitress asks them how they are
they don't know
i am a stranger in your strange town
& the reason there are silver specks
in your sidewalk is fairy snow

o yes
o no

i got here so early this morning
that i saw the
businessmen unlock the
monetary system and the
sleeping merchandise

your windows are filled
with stainless steel
and wondrous lacy reasons
to be married
your mannequins
watch me from the corners
of their eyes

an old man says good morning out loud
and with his cane
i look to see if he means me;
he does.
he is already halfway down the street
before i answer
i hope he did not think
i was a lost daughter
(stolen laughter)

i am alone
except for crickets
making sidewalk music

i rub my fingers together
and the music i make
is small

one word
